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Education in Montenegro


The higher education in Montenegro is becoming attractive during the last decade. There is a special programme “Higher education in Montengro”. This programme has a lot of advantages that allow to send more than 200 students to Montenegro every year.




Here you can find some advantages of this programme:

You can get bachelor’s degree in Montenegro just for 500-1500 EUR for a academic year. That is comparable with the prices in Russia and much cheaper than in the most other countries.

Progaramme allows going to Montenegro without losing a year for language preparation courses. There are special language courses coordinated via Skype.

Preliminary language courses cost much cheaper than in other countries.

There is not that much competition for certain qualifications. That is why there is a chance that you enter without any difficulties.




The Montenegrin Language

The Montenegrin language belongs to the Slavic group. The language is very similar to Russian, Ukranian and Byelorussian if you just take a look at the lexis and phonetics. That is why it is not that difficult to learn it.

To enter the institutes of higher education you have to know Montenegrin at the level that allows you to pass the tests, that means you are to know the language pretty well. Local laws don’t permit to give visas for the periods longer than 3 months to the people who come to the language schools. Such a short period of time is not enough to learn the Montenegrin language.

You can follow two steps:

1. Online lessons with a teacher via Skype. All what you need is a computer and a microphone as well as internet access and Skype itself. You can define yourself how intensive your lessons will be. A 90-minute lesson costs 6 EUR. The harder you will learn on your own , the less lessons you will to have to pay for.

2. After the first step you can apply for a language course in Montenegro. This way you can organize additional language preparation in Montenegro (a 3-month visa + you are allowed to stay in the country 30 days without any visa at all).


Higher Education in Montenegro

Bachelor academic program, BSC, BA (3 or 4 years)

Bachelor Application programm, BApp (3 years)

Specialist program (BSc, BA и BApp + 1 year)

Master program (BSc и BA + 2 years; specialist + 1 year)

Doctor program (MSc + 3 years)

Having finished the education students have good chances to stay in Europe. That is not a secret that European education is one of the easiest ways of emigration. The Montenegrin diploma will help you on the European labor market. A person with a Montenegrin diploma has more chances to find a job in Europe than one with a Russian diploma.




Institutes of Higher Eduation.

There are state and commercial institutes. There is no crucial difference between them. Montenegro is a small country, that is why you can find only three institutes of higher education here. All of them are to find in Podgorica, some of them have affiliates in Kotor, Bar, Herceg-Novi, Nikshic and Cetinje.

Work while Studying.

The most foreign students apply for a job so that they can cover their expenses for accommodation and education in Europe. There is no problem of finding a job in Montenegro as well for a qualified person as for one without education.

Costs of education depend on the program and the institute.

The costs for bachelor program are 500 - 1500 EUR per year.

The costs for master program are 1500 - 2500 EUR per year.

The costs for doctor program are 3000 EUR per year.

There is no special time when you can give your papers in to enter the institute. It depends on the institute (from June up to August). Enrolment is based on the marks you get for your entrance examinations (usually 5 exams). Mostly exams are not that difficult and school-leavers can easily enter the institute.


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