Route calculation
Route calculation

Railway stations of Montenegro


The whole length of Montenegrin railways is just 250 km. The width of the gauge is 1435 mm conforming to the international standards. There are 121 tunnels, the total length of the tunnels is approximately 58 km.




The railway Belgrade – Bar (via Bielo-Pole and Podgorica) was constructed in the difficult conditions specified by the mountainous landscapes. The railway was put in commission in 1976. The length of this railway is almost 500 km (300 km is on the territory Of Serbia). If you take a train from Belgrade to the biggest Montenegrin sea-port, you will pass 234 bridges and get through 254 tunnels.

Every day 4 trains ply between Belgrade and Bar, they are divided into the following types: “expressny” (express), “putnicki” (passenger train), “brzy” (a high-speed train) and “poslovic” (a fast train). The prices vary from type to type, but the tickets are quite cheap. The night trains to Belgrade are equipped with the compartment carriages, the price of the berth in the first class compartment is 7 EUR, in the second class compartment – 4 EUR, in a 4-berth compartment – about 3 EUR, in a 6-berth compartment - 2,5 EUR. The majority of the trains are equipped with nonsmoking compartments.



poezda cherno


Transportation of the hand luggage is limited. Luggage (less than 50 kg) may be transported free. There are cloakrooms at the railway stations in Bar and Podgorica. To get your luggage back make sure you have your passport.

In the summer season the amount of the trains increases, but to buy a ticket for the transit train is not that simple. It is always a good idea to book your ticket beforehand. “Euro-Rail” and “Inter-Rail” tickets are not valid.

Besides passenger communication there are freight railways, e.g. “Podgorica - Nikshich” and “Podgorica - Shkoder” (Albania).

The official website of the company operating the railway communication in Montenegro:


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