Route calculation
Route calculation



Przno used to be the King’s quarters and it is located in the most beautiful part of the Budvan Riviera on one of the bay capes. It is surrounded by a splendid Milocer park and picturesque hills of Pashtrovici tribe. In comparison with Budva which is a bit too noisy, Przno is a calm place where one can easily feel how close to nature we all are. Here the climate is mild and the sun is almost always shining. The tourist season starts in May and ends in November.


Przno beach is a small island called Crshici that is protected from the wind and waves by three rocky reefs. There is an old building that remained from the ancient times located on one of them. The legend tells that this building was a place for the guard to observe the sea and warn the Pashtrovici tribe about possible piratical robberies.


Przno is often called Saint-Tropez of Montenegro. At all times the artists and writers were inspired by the beauty of it nature. This small place has all the modern facilities (post, supermarkets, hospital, a great number of small stores and boutiques) but at the same time it keeps its distinctive character and originality.

One can easily get to Budva from Przno and back having taken a comfortable bus that goes every half an hour.



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